Concern Worldwide Zambia Job Vacancy: Individual Consultant to Collect Qualitative Data

  • Company: Concern Worldwide Zambia
  • Location: Lusaka, Lusaka Province, Zambia
  • State: Lusaka
  • Job type: Full-Time
  • Job category: Accounting Jobs in Zambia

Concern Worldwide Zambia (CWZ) has been implementing the Zambia Female Youths Livelihood and Nutrition Enhancement Project (FYNEP) since July 2015 in collaboration with the World Bank using funding from the Japanese Social Development Fund. The Project’s development objective is to improve access to livelihood opportunities and nutrition among selected female youth in targeted project areas of Limulunga and Kaoma Districts of the Western Province of Zambia. The Project is working with 7,043 direct beneficiaries and is indirectly benefiting 24,600 people within project areas. The project is implemented in close coordination with government at the Provincial and District level and through a National level Steering Committee chaired by the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC).


The intervention consists of four main components:

a. Health interventions aimed to increase awareness and demand for health services and the uptake of intermittent iron/folic acid supplements, deworming and other anaemia prevention measures such as consumption of iron-rich foods and use of mosquito nets as well as improve access to reproductive health services
b. Nutrition interventions aimed to improve adolescent, maternal and child nutrition practices and increase uptake of growth monitoring and promotion services
c. Agriculture and livelihood interventions to promote diversified homestead food production in order to increase the year-round availability of and access to micronutrient foods at the household level and livelihoods interventions linked to the same
d. Life skills interventions to build skills and competencies of female youth across the three main categories of life skills (critical thinking/decision making, interpersonal/communication skills and self-management skills). A financial literacy component will also form part of the life skills component

One of the core components of FYNEP is to gather evidence and document lessons learned about the delivery of such interventions in Zambia with a view to influencing and promoting good practice with both government and non- governmental organizations. The project has a results framework and a baseline survey was undertaken in 2016. Other data available includes registration data, situational analysis, workshop and other reports and monitoring data including a mid-term review report and meeting minutes. The final evaluation should demonstrate not only progress against the results framework but examine elements of the project design and operations and consider them against the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria (relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, impact), presenting learning for future implementation and possible scale up.


Objective of the Consulting Assignment

The objective of this consultancy is to collect and record qualitative data that forms part of the FYNEP final evaluation. The consultant will be required to develop tools to collect data against and for key questions for use with key informants and during focus group discussions and oversee the collection of data using these tools. The consultant will be required to record and analyse results.

Scope of the Work

  • Briefing with Concern and FYNEP consultants and staff including a consultant leading the overall evaluation.
  • Review the structured checklists of questions and reporting templates and develop interview and focus group discussion guides. Agree these with Concern Worldwide and the lead consultant.
  • Perform interviews with selected key informants and facilitate focus group discussions using the checklist. It is anticipated that up to 50 interviews/discussions will be held.
  • Provide all logistics and human resources necessary for the data collection
  • Ensure informed consent is obtained and confidentiality is respected.
  • Produce clear and detailed records from interviews using the agreed template provided by the project. Records should be in detail and include a summary of main points and relevant quotations from the meetings.

Capacity Building and Transfer of Knowledge

  • The consultant will join an initial inception phase briefing and a final de-briefing with Concern and FYNEP consultants and staff to discuss results.
  • The consultant will also attend a validation and verification workshop where quantitative and qualitative results are presented and discussed.
  • The consultant will respond to comments and questions about data collection and reporting.

Reports and Schedule of Deliveries

  • Inception report including a detailed fieldwork plan, the tools for the data collection and templates used for reporting and a list outlining groups to be sampled by 23rd March 2018.
  • Fieldwork to be conducted between the 3rd and the 20th April
  • A final report that includes a summary of observations for each of the evaluations qualitative key questions with justifications linking observations to the data. The report will include all detailed notes from key informant interviews and focus group discussions as annexes. The report will provide lists of people interviewed during key informant interviews, their organisation, location and contact details. Details of the number of people joining focus group discussions and the location of the discussion should also be recorded.
  • The draft report is expected by 27th April 2018.
  • The Final report is expected by 4th May 2018

Data, services, personnel, and facilities to be provided by the Consultant

  • The consultant is expected to present a data collection team that may include translators, researchers and team leaders as necessary. Where translators are not used, data collectors should be fluent in local languages and demonstrate proficiency in English. The lead consultant will be the field coordinator throughout this assignment and responsible for the data quality and reporting.
  • The lead consultant will be the primary point of contact with Concern Worldwide.
  • The consultant will provide all logistics, services and facilities to support the team to carry out this assignment including transport, office access, accommodation and food support for the data collection team and Internet connectivity if required. Transport should be appropriate for the conditions in Western Province and must be fully insured and legally compliant. All logistics, services and facilities training of researchers must also be provided. The consultant will manage all payment related to suppliers and services for data collection and management. The consultant will be required to respond promptly to all queries including progress with data collection.
  • Ensure adherence by all consultants and sub-contractors to Concern Worldwide Programme Participant Protection Policy and Code of Conduct.

Data, services, personnel, and facilities to be provided by the Concern Worldwide

  • Concern Worldwide will provide all data to support the consultant to carry out this assignment. Concern will assist in organizing focus groups and interviews as required by the consultant. .
  • Concern will not provide IT equipment or software.

Institutional and Organizational Arrangements

  • The Consultant will report to the Country Manager and will work closely with the Final Evaluation Lead Consultant, the FYNEP Project Coordinator and the FYNEP Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant.



  • The overall consultancy work will commence in March 2018. No more than 25 days are available for this work.

Lead Consultant’s Qualifications (Criteria for Selecting the Consultant/s)

  • Postgraduate degree in related area (M&E, Heath, Nutrition, Development Studies or Agriculture)
  • Demonstrable experience collecting qualitative data for evaluations following DEC criteria in remote areas of developing countries
  • Experience working with initiatives that support access to services by adolescent females
  • Familiarity with the Zambian and Western Province context preferred
  • Strong communication, reporting and facilitation skills
  • Ability to report (verbally and in writing) in English
  • Local language skills desirable


How to Apply

Please submit a technical proposal including a budget, CV and at least 3 professional references for similar assignments to [email protected] with copy to [email protected] no later than close of business on the 11th of March. Please put FYNEP qualitative data collection consultant in the subject line.

The consultant daily rate must be quoted in EURO and should be inclusive of Zambian Revenue Authority (ZRA) With Holding Tax (WHT) that will be deducted from all consultant payments (also to be paid in EURO).