- To make recommendation on an IGA that is efficient, relevant and sustainable by the community volunteers
- To promote accountability of the CHVs to the health clinics that they work in
- Liaise the project manager and supervisors, in-charges of the clinics and the community volunteers to be briefed on the structure and process of awarding previous IGAs
- To understand the readiness of the CHVs to implement the IGAs and it’s impact
- To collect information on reasons for non-sustainability of the most of IGAs
- To engage the CHVs in a refresher training on entrepreneurship and financial management
- Work with the community volunteers, community leaders and clinic administration to make recommendations on IGAs that are sustainable and will increase accountability of the CHVs to the clinics
- Work with above stakeholders to develop a plan on how will effectively share their time between ECD activities at the clinics and IGAs
- Oversee the kick starting on the recommended IGAs and to provided any relevant technical assistance
- Master’s degree in development studies, economics
- Three years experience in entrepreneurship and financial management programs
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation
- Demonstrated track record in evaluating entrepreneurship programs
- Strong writing, reporting and presentation skills
How to apply
Submit your cover letter describing your experience in entrepreneurship, financial management
And monitoring evaluation, availability and technical approach to the assignment include your CV, Budget, daily rate and breakdown of the number of days for each activity listed above,
At least two references,
2374 Piziya Office Park,
Thabo Mbeki Road,