Job at TelOne Zimbabwe Recruiting

Tel•One is Zimbabwe’s sole fixed telecommunication services provider that is 100% owned by the government of Zimbabwe providing Voice, Internet and Data services. Tel•One has has a wide network distribution with infrastructure in almost every corner of this country and the network has grown to be the second largest fixed line network in the region after Telkom South Africa.

Tel•One is a key player in the national Information Communication Technology (ICT) industry, whose network provides the main backbone network on which other players ride their services.

Tel•One owns a wide range of telecommunications equipment, varying from various exchanges located in strategic areas, optical fibre networks, radio network systems plus a wide range of high-tech networks including a satellite base station located in Mazowe area.

Position: Journeyman Class 1 Carpenter (3 Months Contract)

Responsible to the Clerk of Works Northern Region

The incumbent will be responsible to the Clerk of Works Northern Region

Basic Function

To provide carpentry services to both existing and upcoming TelOne properties and infrastructure in order to provide security to buildings, equipment and Users

Major Activities of the Job

  • Implementing TelOne Preventive Maintenance Works.
  • Implementing TelOne New Projects Works.
  • Reading and Interpreting Carpentry Drawings to required Specifications for Carpentry Lay-outs.
  • Carrying –out Periodic Assessment and Inspections of Tel-one Carpentry Works.
  • Attending to Carpentry repairs on day to day progressive basis.
  • Preparing schedules of Carpentry Material Requirements for Maintenance Works and Tel-one New Projects.
  • Prepare work and materials specifications for use by contractors as and when necessary
  • Ensuring Proper Accountability of Carpentry Materials.
  • Submit weekly reports to Clerk of Works.
  • Contributing to team related efforts to achieve desired departmental results.
  • Performing any reasonable task as may be assigned by the Clerk of Works.


  • Apprentice trained Class 1 Journeyperson Carpenter
  • 5 “O” Levels with English Language, Maths and Science at Grade C or better
  • National Certificate in Carpentry


  • 3 years relevant and proven experience.

If you wish to be considered for any of the above positions, please apply to

the Human Resources Director, TelOne Private Limited, 107 Kwame Nkurumah, Runhare House Building or email to telonejobs[at] not later than Tuesday 2 June 2015.