Midwives job in Zambia: The Provincial Medical Officer

Lusaka Provincial Medical Office with Support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) invites applications from suitably qualified persons to fill the under listed position:


Provide holistic reproductive health care service to clients in order to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Key duties

  • Provide routine and emergency obstetrics and new born care at Health Facility and Community.
  • Supervises and undertakes timely updating and maintenance of reproductive health records in order to facilitate efficient storage and retrieval of information
  • Manages effectively Human, Supplies and other maternal resources in order to facilitate achievement of set targets


  • Full Grade Twelve (12) School Certificate or its equivalent
  • Minimum Certificate in Nursing with Midwifery
  • At least 2 years work experience
  • Registered with General Nursing Council and with valid Practicing License.

How to apply
Interested candidates meeting the above stated qualifications and attributes and willing to work in rural areas are required to submit their applications with the following documents; Curriculum Vitae with Three (3) traceable Referees, Academics and Professional Qualifications, Full Registration with relevant professional bodies and Latest Practicing Licenses where applicable.

An attractive package will be offered to successful applicants who will be appointed on Contract for an initial period of One (1) year subject to renewal depending on performance.

Applicants should provide valid phone numbers for easy communication. Applications should be clearly marked “Application for Vacancies under LPHO/CDC Support”.

The Provincial Medical Officer
Lusaka Provincial Medical Office
3 Saise Road, Long Acres
P.O. Box 32573

Closing date: 12th February, 2016