Terms of Reference for Analysis and Monitoring of Regional Level Indicators on Food Security in Zambia
1. Introduction
ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is a member of the ActionAid International Federation and its vision is to see a just and poverty free Zambia in which every person enjoys the right to a life of dignity. In trying to realize its vision, AAZ works with poor and excluded people to end poverty and injustice.
ActionAid Zambia is currently implementing a project on strengthening social accountability and oversight in health and agriculture under the Partnership for Social Accountability (PSA) Alliance. This is a regional project covering the following SADC countries (Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Zambia). This is the second phase of the project; the first phase ran from May 2016 – April 2019. Phase II of the project commenced in July 2019 and will end June 2023).
The project seeks to strengthen accountability and gender-responsiveness in public resource management, particularly in the areas of HIV/SRH services for adolescents and youth and agricultural services for smallholder farmers. The project is designed to contribute to the realisation of selected SADC regional commitments across the five target countries on health and agriculture by strengthening the effectiveness of relevant actors within the five stakeholder groups on the demand side and supply side (specifically, parliamentary committees, Government departments, Issue-based civil society organisations, smallholder farmers’ organisations, and the media).
At the SADC level, the project seeks to monitor the domestication and implementation of regional commitments at country levels into the food security situation in the country.
2. Background:
In line with the project’s aim, ActionAid Zambia wishes to undertake a study to establish the extent to which the government of Zambia has domesticated and implemented the provisions of the selected regional agreements on agriculture. The project’s focus in agriculture is food security in terms of climate resilient and gender-responsive agricultural public services (including access to inputs and extension services) which should benefit smallholder farmers through promoting agroecology and community-based seed systems.
3. Call for Expression of Interest:
To achieve this goal, ActionAid Zambia seeks the services of a Consultant to undertake an analysis of the various agreements and policies in relation to Agriculture at regional and national levels. The Consultant will help to analyse the extent to which Zambia has domesticated and implemented the provisions of the regional agreements aimed at promoting food security for all. The Consultant will benchmark the Government’s policies and programmes and track the domestication and implementation of the regional agreements. The Consultant will interface with key stakeholders at national, provincial district and agricultural camp levels to establish the status quo.
4. Purpose of the study
The purpose of this analysis is to identify and document the achievements Zambia has made in so far as agricultural development is concerned in line with the SADC Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security. Further, the study will help to identify gaps in the domestication and implementation of the regional agreements on agriculture. The findings will inform advocacy for improved investment in agriculture to attain food security and nutrition for all in line with SDGs 1, Eliminate Poverty; SDG 2 Erase Hunger and SDG 3 Establish Good Health and Well-Being.
The findings will also provide basis for evidence-based advocacy on the adaptation of regional commitments and enhancing food security at household level.
This consultancy aims to provide an analysis of the progress Zambia has made with regard domestication and implementation of regional protocols and national policies and programmes aimed at enhancing food security through improved agricultural services such as extension and inputs.
The Consultant is expected to visit the respective provinces to collect primary data and engage relevant key stakeholders, such as Media, politicians, government departments and CSOs small scale famers and parliamentarians)
5. Study Objectives
- To map and review the regional agreements on agriculture in relation to promotion of food security.
- To map and review the national policies and programmes on food security in Zambia.
- To undertake an in-depth analysis of the regional to which Zambia is a signatory to establish the level of domestication and implementation at national level.
- Identify and document gaps in the domestication and implementation of the agreements in relation food security in Zambia.
- To make recommendations and suggestions on how Zambia can strengthen its policies to enhance food security and nutrition.
- Develop a tool to help Zambia track the domestication and implementation of the regional agreements.
- To establish the level of participation among small-scale farmers by gender in national planning and budgeting processes.
6. Deliverables
- Submit an inception report detailing the analysis process, deliverables and timelines, including key insights.
- First draft report submitted to ActionAid for review by 15th June 2020.
- Second draft (revised) report submitted and final validation with AAZ Team.
- Final report submitted (detailed report and summarized report)
7. Time schedule
The consultancy is expected planned for a maximum of 20 working days which includes travelling to project sites and engagement meetings with government departments and parliamentary committees. It is anticipated that the period of undertaking the study will be between 15th June 2020 to 10th July 2020.
8. Qualifications and Competencies
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
- Postgraduate degree in Agricultural extension, International Development, Agricultural Economics or any other related field.
- Demonstrated knowledge of policy development and analysis
- Sound relationship with key stakeholders in the agriculture sector and SADC
- Experience in undertaking similar assignments with reputable institutions.
- Technical working knowledge of food security, agricultural extension and related policies both at national and regional levels.
- Good report writing skills and proven experience in delivering high-quality reports.
9. Application process:
Prospective consultants should submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) with evidence of experience in a similar field. Proposals should include both technical details (methodology and process) and budget proposal. In your application, please ensure to address your suitability as stipulated by the ToRs with examples of similar deliverables.
Applications should be received no later than 6th June 2020. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further engagement.
Please submit your application to [email protected] and copy [email protected]
ActionAid is committed to safeguarding and promoting the rights of women and young people especially the marginalised and those living in poverty. As such, we demand that all applicants commit to adhere to our safeguarding policies and AAZ values and policies.
Important Note: Offers of employment or job openings with requests for payment or fees should be treated with extreme caution, viewed as potentially fraudulent and reported immediately.
To apply for this job email your details to [email protected]