Terms of Reference for Mid-Term Evaluation for AAZ 2018 -2022 Country Strategy Paper (CSP)


ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is part of the ActionAid Federation, sharing common values and aims to drive social change towards a just, equitable, and sustainable world. AAZ works with the people living in poverty and exclusion, their communities, organizations, activists, social movements, and supporters, to address the structural causes of social injustice, gender inequality, and poverty. AAZ has been working in Zambia since 1996 with a focus on advocating for women’s rights; promoting climate-resilient sustainable agricultural practices and sustainable natural resource management for food security and sustainable livelihoods; advocacy inclusive governance and advancement of education and youth engagement.

a) AAZ 2018-2022 Country Strategy Paper

In 2018, AAZ embarked on the implementation of the new 2018-2022 Country Strategy Paper after successfully implementing the previous CSP which ended in 2017. The new CSP focuses on advancing Social Justice, Gender Equity and Poverty Eradication. This is a five-year strategy that will run up to 2022 and aligned to the ActionAid Global 10-year strategy 2028- Action for Global Justice. The CSP is anchored on five priority areas namely:

1. Women and girls’ social-economic empowerment.
2. Civic participation and state accountability.
3. Resilient Livelihoods and Secure Climate Justice.
4. Transformative Women-led disaster preparedness, response, and prevention; and
5. Youth Engagement and Empowerment.
6. Organizational Shift: Strengthening Organizational Capacity and Development

b) AAZ Theory of Change Approach (TOC)

AAZ implements the 2018-2022 CSP through the partnership approach. AAZ therefore identified CSOs in Southern, Eastern, Western, North Western, Northern and Muchinga provinces, Copperbelt, Luapula, and Lusaka provinces to support the implementation of the Country Strategy. From 2018 AAZ has worked with the selected CSOs based on their expertise in elation to the CSP priorities to implement the work.

The role of AAZ was to enhance the capacity of implementing CSOs; provide technical support and facilitate knowledge sharing, learning and play the coordination role to ensure effective CSOs engagement with citizens and duty bearers.


AAZ is seeking the services of qualified person(s) or firm to support the Mid-Term Evaluation aimed at assessing progress made towards the achievements of the CSP outcomes and commitments in relation to indicators in the MEL Framework for CSP.

a) Overall Objective of the Mid-Term Evaluation of the CSP

The overall purpose of the Mid-Term Evaluation is to assess progress made in attainment of the CSP objectives and organizational efficiency; and test the Theory of Change and ascertain how the implementation of the program contributed to the achievement of the results in relation to Rights, Resilience, and Redistribution.

b) Specific Objectives of the Mid-Term Evaluation-

  • To assess the relevance and progress made in the attainment of the CSP objectives and targets
  • To assess the extent to which the Theory of Change has been actualised to build power of the most excluded; create the enabling environment; and enable greater & Sustainable access to rights, resource, and services (3 Rs—Rights, Resilience and Redistribution) among women, youth and communities;
  • To identify key opportunities and constraints/challenges that may have accelerated or inhibited progress towards the attainment of set objectives and targets.
  • To document good practices and lessons learned (including learning from failures) and make recommendations for the remaining part of the CSP.
  • To assess the relevance of interventions to the current context to inform the next two years of the strategy

3. METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH (Request for Detailed TORs)

The Evaluation Team/Consultant needs to propose an evaluation methodology to be used during the evaluation.


AAZ is seeking consultancy services of a qualified and highly self-motivated, enthusiastic, and innovative Consulting firm/Consultant to conduct a Mid-Term Evaluation for the CSP.

a) Requirements for Organisation/ Consultancy

  • The applicant must be a firm or institution with working experience of 8-10 years’ experience in undertaking the scale and scope of similar review/evaluation processes in development INGOs/international entities.
  • The lead consultant must have at least a master’s degree in Development Studies, Economics, Gender and Women Rights, Climate Change and Resilience, Social Sciences, Human Rights, Law, Public Administration, Business Management or Public Policy or it’s equivalent. Post Graduate training in Monitoring, Evaluation, Feminist Economics, Learning, and Knowledge Management will be an added advantage.

5.0 BID PRESENTATION FORMAT (Request for Detailed TORs)

6.0 TASKS/SCOPE OF WORK (Request for Detailed TORs)

NB: Interested Consultants should submit their proposals (2 BOUND COPIES) with three (3) traceable references on 15th JUNE 2020 and addressed to:

The Country Director
ActionAid Zambia
38G Ibex Hill, Kabulonga Road
P. O. Box 51407 Lusaka

For Detailed TORs request through [email protected] and Copy [email protected] & [email protected]

Call: +260966-453-677

To apply for this job email your details to [email protected]